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8 Powerful Ways to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview

Posted in Interview by from Talent Street

Now that your resume has succeeded in winning over a potential employer, it’s time to move on to the next stage — the interview. When it comes to job hunting, this stage can be a little daunting. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so being prepared is key to landing that dream job.
In this article, we have compiled eight powerful ways to prepare for your next job interview.

1. Do your research

Before the interview, familiarise yourself with the company, industry and the position you're interviewing for. Read and review the job description and go through the company’s website to learn more about the company. Ensure you're prepared to answer a few questions especially the commonly asked question “Why do you want to want to work here?”

 2. Practice makes perfect

It’s important to make a positive and lasting impression in a job interview, so practicing days before is helpful in easing nerves and building confidence. Arranging a fake interview with a friend or just standing in front of a mirror is a great way to become comfortable and fluent whilst talking about your qualifications and relevant skills.

3. Dress for success

What you choose to wear to your interview can have a big influence in your chances of landing the job. As first impressions last, think about the image you want to project. Wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable at the same time. Even though business attire is recommended, it’s worth looking into the company culture is to see how people dress — just in case you show up in 3-piece-suit and everyone is dressed in smart casual!

 4. Study your resume

It’s always a great idea to go over your resume a few times before the interview, as being able to accurately know and explain any skills or work experience that you have will cement faith in the interviewer. It will also avoid any silences when they ask you to elaborate on something on your resume.

5. Prepare your travel

Start the day off right by estimating how long it will take to get to the location of your interview, without traffic and allow more time than usual for your travel — especially if you’re travelling by public transport. Always try to arrive 10-15 minutes early and bring the interviewers phone number with you just in case you get lost or are running late. If you do find yourself arriving late, always call and let the interviewer know.

6. Get a good night’s sleep

Even though you may be a little nervous the night before the interview, try your best to get a good night’s sleep. The more you rest, the calmer you will be. Make sure you are prepared the night before. Go to bed early. Relax and try to settle your mind. Some great methods to do this are by drinking tea, meditating or reading a book, and try and avoid your laptop or phone which is known to cause low quality of sleep. You can even lay out your interview clothes. As you are drifting off to sleep, use the power of your mind by visualising how you want the interview to go.

7. Prepare questions for the hiring manager

A good interview should feel like more like a conversation. It’s always a good idea to have a list of questions for the interviewer but be careful not to ask questions which can be found on the company's website or have already been answered in the job description. Asking questions shows you have genuine interest in the company and will also give you an opportunity to pause, breathe and collect your thoughts as they answer. Remember that you’re also determining whether this job/company is right for you too.

8. Believe in yourself

One of the most important things in this process is to believe in yourself. Believe in your talents, skills and that you have what it takes to get the job. This strong sense of belief will then come across in your interview and will convince your job prospects to believe in you too. Self-belief is critical when it comes to finding the job of your dreams.

If you have any concerns about your interview, speak with one of our talented consultants who would be happy to provide any advice or tips.